Inorganic compound with the formula KOH.
Kopé Tiatie Cac (also Koh and Koope; in Ndut language, meaning god grandfather or god the grandfather) is the Supreme Creator in the Serer religion.
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1However, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh said she has many other cases.
2One morning last week, Koh brought jurors into court one by one.
3The appeals court has sent the case back to Koh for reconsideration.
4The hearing concluded with Koh promising to rule at a later date.
5Attorneys for both companies told Koh they would pass along the message.
6Koh rejected that request but said there may be a post-trial investigation.
7The FTC's Wilson wrote that Koh had misapplied the Supreme Court case.
8The Koh-i-noor was acquired by Queen Victoria following a 19th-century peace treaty.
9Also request a transfer from the Koh Yao pier to your accommodation.
10Why else to do we let them squat out on Koh Angrit?
11Judge Koh found that Samsung's Galaxy tablets had infringed Apple's iPad patents.
12Melba Alzbeta Koh crawled out the window and dropped to the street.
13The company will announce more shows for 2014 later this year, Koh said.
14Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington said Koh could now consider the issue.
15In the case before Koh, trial is currently scheduled for July.
16I can foresee a lot of correction in the stock market, said Koh.